Flu season is here. It seems like the flu never really quite goes away, and with cold, hot, then cold again days, it’s easier to get sick. Staying away from the flu is harder now more than ever due to open office environments, sharing of workstations, and more. Still, we have some great ideas for you to help you stay healthy during the 2020 flu season.
Here are your key flu prevention tips:
1. Get a flu shot.

Your best method of defense when it comes to influenza is to get the flu shot. You have to get a new flu shot every year, because flu shots are developed to combat that specific year’s flu viruses. Since the flu mutates from year to year, staying up-to-date with your flu shot is important. Even if you don’t have health insurance, you can visit health providers like ConvenientMD, CVS, RiteAid, and more to receive a free flu shot.
You should not receive a flu shot if:
- You have life-threatening allergies to the flu vaccine
- You’re under 6 months old
There are special formulations of the flu vaccine for seniors and the elderly. Read the CDC website about flu vaccinations for more info.
2. Wash your hands (and wash them often)

Washing your hands is one of the key things you need to do to help curb the spread of germs. If you come back from a store, work, or anywhere that other people are, you’ll want to wash your hands, and wash them effectively. Make sure you’re using soap and drying off with a clean towel. We’ve made posts about how to wash your hands properly in the past… Make sure you’re washing them well!
3. Keep your hands out of your eyes, nose, and mouth

Infection occurs easiest when the flu can contact other bodily fluids and be brought into the body. That means making sure that you’re not touching your eyes, your nose, or putting your hands in your mouth (or eating with your hands without washing them). Taking a ride home from the supermarket and have an itchy eye? Try not to touch your eyes prior to washing or sanitizing your hands!
4. Disinfect!

You’ll want to ensure that you disinfect common touch points such as door knobs, telephones, keypads, light switches, and other commonly used areas. Disinfect frequently if someone around you is already sick.
We’ve got more great tips to avoid the flu and prevent the spread of it. Check out these related blog posts below: