How much does air quality affect your thinking?

Hot Air Balloon

Recently, we read an interview with professor Joe Allen about air quality, especially in regards to air quality within the office. It’s often that architects try to seal up all holes inside of a building when they are making it, which makes sense given you wouldn’t want the outside elements coming in on your new building. However, research shows that air quality and air flow can impact workers’ abilities to function.

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Poor air quality? Try one of these 5 air purifying plants!

Air Quality Plants

Everyone knows that plants deliver much needed oxygen, converting carbon dioxide into it. People often spruce up their office spaces with small, medium, and large plants. Many people use plants as a way to connect with nature and bring a little living inside with them. Many other people also struggle with keeping those plants alive. Regardless of whether or not you have a green thumb, you may not be aware that plants can actually help improve air quality in your home or office.
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How much bacteria can be on a restaurant menu?

Restaurant Table

We know that germs can often be found on door knobs and microwave handles, phone buttons and receivers, computer keyboards and mice, but we often don’t think about how germs can also settle on other everyday items. When we go out to eat, we’re very aware if our server sneezes over our food or coughs without covering their mouth. We’re also aware of watermarks on our utensils, or food bits stuck to our table when we sit. However, we’ve never really given a lot of thought to the menu.

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