Sitting behind a desk is part of a lot of people’s work. Many of us spend hours in an office, sitting and pecking away at a keyboard. We’ve spoken about why green cleaning is important so workers aren’t sitting in chemicals or inhaling them, as well as why open office plans aren’t great for an employee’s health or emotional state, but let’s talk about healthy sitting in an office.
Continue reading “The Comfortable, Ergonomic Office: What you should and shouldn’t do”Boyan Slat, at it again: River Cleanup in Sight
Boyan Slat, the dutch engineer responsible for recently collecting two shipping containers worth of plastic and garbage from the Great Pacific Garbage patch (for the first time in history), is now setting his sights on clearing up river-based water pollution.
We’ve talked about The Ocean Cleanup project on this blog before, but this conservationist is taking it one step further and hoping to help freshwater rivers and streams clean up their act too.
Continue reading “Boyan Slat, at it again: River Cleanup in Sight”Fighting Influenza in 2020: Our Best Tips
Flu season is here. It seems like the flu never really quite goes away, and with cold, hot, then cold again days, it’s easier to get sick. Staying away from the flu is harder now more than ever due to open office environments, sharing of workstations, and more. Still, we have some great ideas for you to help you stay healthy during the 2020 flu season.
Here are your key flu prevention tips:
Continue reading “Fighting Influenza in 2020: Our Best Tips”