CDC Best Practice for Business & Workplaces for Combatting COVID-19

Planet earth with a face mask on

We’ve learned a lot about combating the public health crisis that is the COVID-19 pandemic over the last year and a half. Because of this, the CDC has a lot of information regarding how businesses should handle COVID-19 precautions, prevention, and in the event of exposure. Let’s simplify some of these items so you can understand what the CDC says for best practices for operating businesses.


How to keep your employees safe during the Delta variant of COVID-19

Aqua colored background with a hand wearing a magenta rubber glove, holding a yellow spray bottle

If you’re no longer capable of going to a work-from-home model, it’s your responsibility as an employer to do what you can to keep your in-office employees as safe as possible while they’re conducting their work, so they can continue to do their work. With the landing of Delta, a highly transmissible COVID-19 variant, much of the world seems to be interested in keeping things operational. We learned a lot about coronavirus over the last year and a half, so we are better equipped to handle things without massive shutdowns, but that doesn’t mean you should be lax in your approach to keeping your employees safe. Here are some top tips to help you keep up with the Delta surge and keep your employees safe and functional.

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What is the point of no return when it comes to climate change?

Landscape, barren and dry on the left, lush and green on the right

There’s such a thing as a point of no return when it comes to climate change. Just like in sci-fi movies, when someone has only enough oxygen to go so far, there is a point where we can go too far with the Earth… But this is no sci-fi movie. This is our Earth, our one planet to live on, and getting to the point of no return on climate change is a very scary thing that must be taken seriously. Let’s talk about what that means and why it’s so important.

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