How you can easily monitor your facility’s cleanliness

Workplace Productivity and Monitoring how Clean Your Facility Is

Keeping your office clean can be a daunting experience. Not only do you have to constantly clean up after less cleanly employees, but you also need to be aware of the chemicals and products you are using, whether they are good for employees, for equipment, or both. Making time to clean your office cube or facility can be difficult to do as well. Don’t worry! We can help you get on track to a happy and healthy workspace.

1. Employ a scheduled facility cleaning service for the bulk of it

Employing someone like EcoSource to take care of the bulk of your cleaning needs when it comes to the office is important. Not only will a scheduled cleaner come in regularly and take care of big ticket items such as carpets, tile, windows, big surfaces, and more, but they can help keep you on track to taking care of smaller level items. Since scheduled office cleaners typically use chemicals to ensure a deep clean on tables and work surfaces, they know the ins and outs of those chemicals, including how long they need to rest on the surface to be most effective. Why not have a scheduled cleaner do the bulk of the job for you?

2. Use an app to help you keep track

Use an app like Tody at home or at the office to help keep track of when items were completed last and need to be completed again. When was the last time your keyboard was wiped down? With an app like Tody, you’ll know, and you can schedule it to be cleaned again later down the line. You can also prioritize cleaning needs and set deadlines for them. Sounds useful!

3. Digitize!

Keep down paper dust as well as unsightly paper items from being held on to by digitizing your workspace. You can simply take and archive photos of receipts, purchase orders, and more, or you could utilize an app like ScanBot, which will help you to make your receipts searchable as well. Not all businesses can go completely paperless, but even going somewhat paperless can help you keep down printing costs as well as paper dust and clutter in your office.

4. Identify problem areas, build a checklist

Sink always full of dishes? Waste basket always full? Figuring out the most problematic areas can help you identify when items need to be performed and how frequently. This will also allow you to delegate tasks to your team. You can then create a morning or nightly checklist for your team to complete before the end of the day, ensuring that tasks are addressed before everyone packs up and goes home for the night.

5. Delegate!

We know that you’re busy, and so is your team, but rather than having one person trying to take care of everything, delegate small tasks out to individual people. You can rotate who takes care of an item like wiping down monitors or mice so no one is doing the brunt of the labor.

How do you tackle your office space cleaning plan? Let us know in the comments below!

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